Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Journal | Volumes
0025-1534 (print)
The philosopher as the rational artist
Vol. 1/2
Ben-Ami Scharfstein
Vol. 1/1
John AndersonJoseph KockelmansCalvin Schrag
Proust and phenomenology
Vol. 1/4
James C. Morrison George Stack
La structure, le mot, l'événement
Paul Ricoeur
The concept of act and behavior
Justus Hartnack
The cosmological argument and the principle of sufficient reason
William L. Rowe
Technik und Wissenschaft als "Ideologie"?
Jürgen Habermas
Philosophy and politics
Bernard Delfgaauw
Meaning and language
Stephen Erickson
Der Tod im Denken Max Schelers
Elisabeth Ströker
Reflections on nihilism
Stanley Rosen
Wittgenstein's tools and Heidegger's implements
Vol. 1/3
Robert Goff
Einleitende Bemerkung zum Briefwechsel Dilthey-Husserl
Walter Biemel
Book review
George Stack
On truth
Edward Ballard
Whitehead e Husserl
Pier Aldo Rovatti
On the foundation of man's rights and duties
André Mercier
From beauty to aesthetic validity
Albert Hofstadter
El pasado filosófico
Adolfo P. Carpio
The exaggeration of the importance of principles in moral reasoning
K. E. Løgstrup
Sur le sens de l'explication
Georges Gusdorf
Ontologia y analisis
Javier Muguerza
Martin Heidegger and man's way to be
Zygmunt AdamczewskiA Ki
Heidegger and the mystery of pain
Vol. 10/3
Orville Clark
The dionysian sources in philosophy
Vol. 10/2
Michael Gelven
Max Scheler and the phenomenology of religion
Stephen Doty
Action and time
Paul Brockelman
The tragic form
N. Georgopoulos
The continuity of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of perception
Vol. 10/4
Harrison Hall
Epidermalizing the world
Thomas F. Slaughter
The place of comedy
Harold Alderman
Vol. 10/1
Richard Hogan
Meanings of humanism
Nathan Rotenstreich
On nature and destiny in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's discourse on inequality
Joseph BienPeter Kirk Augustine
Frederick Kersten
Sartre, dialectic, and the problem of overcoming bad faith
Linda Bell
The question of noumenal time
Charles M. Sherover
An end to authority
Thomas R Flynn(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
Jacques Ellul and the logic of technology
David Lovekin
Heideggers Begegnung mit Hölderlin
Otto Pöggeler
Back to metaphysics
G. A. Rauche
In remembrance of Martin Heidegger
Werner Marx
"...since the time we are a dialogue and able to hear from one another"
John Anderson
James and Heidegger on truth and reality
Bruce Wilshire
Cyril Welch
Martin Heidegger
William Richardson
Review of Phenomenology and theory of science
Vol. 11/1-2
Robert Sokolowski
The work-being of the work of art in Heidegger
Edward G. Lawry
The return that reflection makes
Kenneth Maly
Art and the origin of truth
Hans Seigfried
Theologie als Metatheorie
Hans Lenk
The problem of the symbol and its place in the system of philosophy
Vol. 11/3-4
Ernst Cassirer
Persons, morals and the animal kingdom
Kai Nielsen
Speech and writing according to Hegel
Jacques Derrida
Nietzsche's return to an aesthetic beginning
Wilhelm S. Wurzer
Logic and experience in Wittgenstein's later work
Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
Persons and other students
William Hamrick
What is Husserl's epoche?
William Lenkowski
Thinking about technology
Michael J. Zenzen
The concept of community in Kant's architectonic
Norman Fischer
Hans-Georg Gadamer on "fusion of horizons"
Jan Garrett
The becoming of being
Mark Okrent
Social philosophy and social categories
Terry Pinkard
Das dialogische Prinzip als hermeneutische Maxime
Dietrich Böhler
Leibniz and transcendental idealism
Kenneth R. Seeskin
Reading poetry and philosophy
Cyril Welch Liliane Welch
Intentionality and aesthetics
Mikel Dufrenne
The origins of myth and philosophy
William E. Abraham
Merleau-Ponty and Piaget
Vol. 12/1
Osborne P Wiggins
Merleau-Ponty on language and social science
Vol. 12/3
William C. Gay
James' metaphysics
Vol. 12/2
William J. Gavin
Foucault and Biemel on representation
Emad Parvis
Reiner Schürmann
Morality and self-deception
Michael W. Martin
The anglo-american response to Edmond Husserl
François H. Lapointe
Intersubjective phenomenology and Husserl's cartesianism
Types, corporeality and the immediacy of interaction
Herman Coenen
Some remarks on Merleau-Ponty's essay, "Cezanne's doubt"
The problem of universals
Vol. 12/4
Carol Kates
Signification and radical subjectivity in Heidegger's Habilitationsschrift
Roderick Stewart
Philological remarks on the two new editions of Sein und Zeit
Rainer BastHeinrich P Delfosse
Myth and "science" in Aristotle's theology
Martin D. Yaffe
Philosophy and art
Sartre's theory of the progressive and regressive methods of phenomenology
Quentin Smith
Uncertainty in the knowledge of art and persons
Michael J. Matthis
Toward a phenomenology of rational action
Ian Angus
Psychobiology and the theories of being and becoming
George Haydu
Towards a theory of self-deception
Alan Paskow
Tom Rockmore(Peking University)
Phenomenological theology and the problem of metaphysics
Edward Farley
Suggestions towards a revision of Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness
Shaun Gallagher(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
The function of fiction in shaping reality
Language and the phenomenological reduction
Harry P Reeder
Philologisches zur 15
Vol. 13/3-4
Rainer Bast
On the possibility of good faith
Vol. 13/2
Joseph Catalano
Post-modern reality and the problem of meaning
Amos N. Wilder
Vol. 13/1
Hugh J. Silverman
On moral imagination
James K. Mish'alani
Du langage religieux et de la "Crainte de Dieu"
Emmanuel Levinas
Aporias in the comparative philosophy of religion
R. Panikkar
Interpreting hermeneutics
Don Ihde
Fathers and daughters
Joseph H. Smith
Kant's transcendental object and the two senses of the noumenon
Jeffrey Liss
Prereflective consciousness and the process of symbolization
Ralph Ellis
Le contrat de veridiction
Algirdas Greimas
Sartre on the extent of freedom
Ron Smetana
Philosophical hermeneutics and the communicative experience
Michael Hyde
Nietzsche and Kant on permanence
Richard S. Brown
Die Sterblichen
Vico and some kantian reflections on historical judgment
Rudolf Makkreel(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
The role of the body in the constitutive phase of knowledge
Anne Freire Ashbaugh
Art and the problem of truth
Gregory Schufreider
Time and functions
Theories of meaning
Charles Taylor
On the anthropological foundation of aesthetic enjoyment
Vol. 14/1
András Horn
Supplement to bibliography on Jean-Paul Sartre
The logic of artifactual existents
Vol. 14/3
Edith Wyschogrod
Ideal objectivity, modern biology and technical innovation
Vol. 14/4
Guy Quintelier
Marx's idea of alienation revisited
Louis Dupré
Heidegger's fundamental phenomenology
George Ghanotakis
Kuhn, Heidegger, and scientific realism
Joseph Rouse
Heidegger and the limits of language
Tony O'Connor
The body as an ideological variable
John M. Hoberman
Rickard J. Donovan
Science and autonomy
Vol. 14/2
Karl Pavlovic
Merleau-Ponty on the concept of style
Linda Singer
Erazim Kohák
The Staiger-Heidegger correspondence
Arthur A Grugan
Nietzsche's quest
William Smoot
Dependence on language and the autonomy of reason
Ronald Bruzina(University of Kentucky)
Gesture and myth
Sanford W. Krolick
Wittgenstein's conception of the "willing subject"
Elias Baumgarten
Merleau-Ponty's perspective on politics
John Murungi
Heidegger on community
Saga and philosophy
Páll Skúlason
E. Kohak, Idea and Experience
John Brough(Department of Theology, Gettysburg College)
Between Hegel and Heidegger
Vol. 15/1
Dennis J. Schmidt
The literary and the true
Vol. 15/3
Vol. 15/2
Robert Almeder
Kierkegaard and the hermeneutical circle
Patrick Bigelow
Renunciation and metaphysics
Alan Olson
History and truth
Charles E Scott
Husserl's Fifth meditation
Peter Hutcheson
Nexus, unity, ground
Jorge García-Gómez
The "logic" of Husserl's transcendental reduction
Vol. 15/4
Timothy J. Stapleton
Nietzsche and the creative consciousness
Phyllis Kenevan
Heidegger and the destruction of ontology
Samuel IJsseling
Richard Cohen
Structuralism and the new subjectivity
Bernard Dauenhauer
World without representation
Louis Goldring
R. Denoon, Starting Point
Phenomenological skepticism
Hans Köchler
Giambattista Vico and Jacques Ellul
T. McCarthy, The critical theory of Jürgen Habermas
Douglas Kellner Rick Roderick
Hermeneutics as the recovery of man
John D Caputo
The possibility of a communication ethic reconsidered
David Ingram
A third attitude toward others
Robert C. Good
The linguistic basis of truth for Hegel
Irene E. Harvey
Life-world as origin
Victor Kestenbaum
Heraclitus and the space shuttle
Wilfrid Desan
De l'épiphanie à l'esthétique
Joseph Krause
Politics, comedy, and the work of revolution
The emergence of various kinds of meaning through the formulation of different types of judgments in the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl
Frank Kelly
The ontology of boredom
Vol. 16/3
The overflowing soul
Vol. 16/4
Graham Parkes
Reminiscences of Karl Jaspers
Vol. 16/2
Howard Trivers
Some reflections on two ages
Barbara Anderson
Natural science and being-in-the-world
Patrick A Heelan
Why a genealogy of morals?
Debra Bergoffen(Department of Cultural Studies, George Washington University)
Science, language, and experience
Vol. 16/1
Lorenzo C. Simpson
Objects' optimal appearances and the immediate awareness of space in vision
John Drummond(Fordham University)
The denial of the rational
Ernesto Grassi
The anthropological trend in soviet philosophy and the scientific claims of marxism
Zeev Katvan
Descartes and the ontology of subjectivity
Bernard Flynn
La technique et le langage
Dominique Janicaud
The dialectical method
Ernst Bloch
America's Foucault
James Bernauer
The theory of phenomenological description
James Liszka
Vol. 17/3-4
Boeckh and Dilthey
Thomas M. Seebohm
James M. Edie
Towards a computational phenomenology
Robert M Harlan
The unconscious and lacan
Vol. 17/2
Dialectic and foundational participation
Vol. 17/1
Stephen Tyman
Nietzschean aphorism as art and act
Gary Shapiro
Why politikē philosophia?
Stuart Umphrey
The limits of logocentrism (on the way to grammatology)
Threats, laughter, and society
Hope and its ramifications for politics
Austin's flying arrow
David Weinberger
The dualistic approach to perception
Aaron Ben-Zeev Michael Strauss
Brentano and the relational view of consciousness
Otis T. Kent
The concept of crisis and the unity of Husserl's position
Hegel's concept of God
Joseph Prabhu
Habitual body and memory in Merleau-Ponty
Edward Casey
The savage mind totalizes
Joseph Margolis
Emancipation from the science dogma
Dialectical phenomenology
James L. Marsh
Toward a foundation for human rights
Vol. 18/2
Haig Khatchadourian
Vol. 18/3
Theodore Kisiel
Metaphor, analogy, and system
Vol. 18/1
Carl G. Vaught
John Burbidge
Social time and place
Timo Airaksinen
The idea and problem of truth in Galileo
Vol. 18/4
Habermas on rationality
Rick Roderick
The ontological context of Gadamer's "fusion"
Robert H. Paslick
Representation and the image
Véronique Fóti
The significance of Dieter Wyss' medical-anthropological approach for phenomenology and existential ontology
Herbert Csef
Kant's system and (its) politics
Dick Howard
The death of the objective observer
Betty Cannon
Nietzsche's Socratic task in "Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben"
Bernard Freydberg
Heidegger, Lacan and the boundaries of existence
Angel Medina
La fin de l'homme et le destin de la pensée
Arion Lothar Kelkel
Nietzsche on "the subject as multiplicity"
David Booth
Deconstruction and its alternatives
Richard Eldridge
The want of holy names
Alienation and aesthetics in Marx and Tolstoy
Teodros Kiros
The orders of reality
Vol. 19/2
Deconstruction or dialogue
Vol. 19/3
Graeme Nicholson
Quine's "half-entities," and Gadamer's too
Vol. 19/4
T. R. Martland
Der Wissenschaftsbegriff als Indikator von Denkstadien Heideggers
Shards, strata and sites
Michael Murray
Ritual, the sacralization of time
Alienation in the later philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
Robert E. Birt
Inwiefern fordern moderne Wissenschaft und Technik die philosophische Ethik heraus?
Robert R. Williams
Contemporary politics
Norman K. Swazo
Socrates' successful inquiries
Robert Scharff
After metaphysics
Rebecca Comay
The amplificatory phenomenology of Dieter Wyss
Erling Eng
Dawn and dusk
Vol. 19/1
Francis J. Ambrosio
The machine basis for the dasein
Gordon G. Globus
Horizontal hermeneutics and its delimination
Ethos und Sozialität
A philosophical inquiry into the moral sense of nature and artifacts
Galen A Johnson(Department of English, University of South Florida)
Kant and Sartre on self-knowledge
David Jopling
The uniqueness problem in Kant's transcendental doctrine of method
Dale Jacquette
Political responsibility in Merleau-Ponty's humanism and terror
Interpreting texts
Brice Wachterhauser
Heideggers Topologie des Seins
Vol. 2/3
Vol. 2/1
Ethical emotivism and the burden of prima facie evidence
Vol. 2/4
Berel Lang
Propositions pour un positivisme
Gilles-Gaston Granger
Worlds and world views
Vol. 2/2
The happening of tradition
Existence precedes essence
John E. Atwell
Nietzsche's homecoming
John Sallis
The availability of ordinary-language philosophy
P. L. Friedman
Ist die klassische Logik im leeren Individuenbereich gültig?
Karel Berka
Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of art
Stephen K. Levine
The grounds of ethical universality in Aristotle
J. Owens
The non-lover in Plato's Phaedrus
Die Welt der Institutionen
Amadeo Silva-Tarouca
Mythic, aesthetic and theoretical space
Alienation and the status quo
Joseph C. Flay
Von der Erkenntnis des Schönen in der Kunst
Helmut Kuhn
Notas para una revision de la fenomenología
Fernando Montero Moliner
Dichtung und Sprache bei Heidegger
Robert Ehman
Transcendental logic
Henry L. Ruf
Rudolph J. Gerber
Marcel Proust and the drama of perception
Neal Oxenhandler
Le possible et la puissance
André Préau
Heidegger's criticism of Wittgenstein's conception of truth
James C. Morrison
Vom Geistigen in der Musik
Alois Troller
La filosofia e la metodologia della scienza oggi in Italia
Vittorio Somenzi
Heidegger and Gadamer
Vol. 20/1
Tsenay Serequeberhan
The problem of a macroethic of responsibility to the future in the crisis of technological civilization
Karl-Otto Apel
Unnatural kinds
Vol. 20/3
Robert Welsh Jordan
A response to Richard Winfield
Alan White
Art and truth in Schopenhauer and Nietzsche
Jacques Taminiaux
The artist and the madman
Vol. 20/4
Paul G. Muscari
Scepticism and deconstruction
S. J. Wilmore
Foucault and the body politic
Truth and power
John Bailiff
A question of method
Alan Schrift
Mervyn Sprung
Differance, deference, and the question of proper reading
Stephen R. Yarbrough
French Heidegger and an English poet
Timothy Clark
The world of nostalgia
Is Hegel's logic a transcendental ontology?
Richard Winfield
Merleau-Ponty's philosophy as a field theory
Douwe Tiemersma
Jacob Owensby
Religion without truth
Vol. 20/2
William F. Nietmann
Humanism and vigilance
Dewey and Gadamer on the ontology of art
John C. Gilmour
Re-opening the issue of world
Frank Schalow
The politics of Heidegger's rectoral address
R. Gasché, The Tain of the Mirror
Vol. 21/2
Robert Bernasconi
Phenomenology and the philosophy of nature
Vol. 21/1
John Compton
The texture of imagination
Vol. 21/3
Vol. 21/4
Power, knowledge, and praxis
Steve Hendley
The de-struction of being and time in Being and time
Philosophy — Nietzsche — philosophy
Wolfgang W. Fuchs
Nous avons l'art pour vivre dans la vérité
Danielle Lories
Hegel und das Problem des Anfangs der griechischen Philosophie
Manfred Riedel
Technology and the character of contemporary life
Paul T. Durbin Flash Fiasco
Joseph Walsh
Strange interlude
Frederick Sontag
A response to Joseph l. Walsh
Levinas, the ethics of deconstruction, and the remainder of the sublime
Stephen H Watson
Making the truth
Jane Mallinson
Book reviews
The sound of being's body
Michael Heim
How autonomous can art be?
Walther Zimmerli
Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft
Hans Baumgartner
Nietzsche and Pascal's wager
Henri Birault
Hegel's critique of transcendence
Lisabeth During
Rationality, reality and morality
M. W. Jackson
Husserl and Hegel on the logic of subjectivity
Jay Lampert(Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal)
Gadamer and philosophical ethics
Michael Kelly
An existential theory of tragedy
Radical hermeneutics
Vol. 22/2
A cast of many
Vol. 22/4
Moving on
Post-modernism is not a scepticism
Philosophical hermeneutics and "the tradition"
Jeff Mitscherling(Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal)
Levinas's phenomenology of the other and language as the other of phenomenology
David E. Klemm
Nietzsche's radical experimentalism
Sociomorphic arguments for a moral god
Vol. 22/1
In the beginning was the logos
George Heffernan
Heidegger and the question of humanism
Murray Miles
Ideology, utopia, and responsible politics
Where am i in the story?
David B. Greene
Martin J. DeNys
Frank M. Kirkland
Toward the animation of Nietzsche's Übermensch
Thomas Jovanovski
Towards an american pragrammatology
Modernity and reason
Cognitive linguistic psychology and hermeneutics
John van den HengelPaul O'Grady Paul Rigby
Solitude and community in the work of philosophy
Vol. 22/3
From Nietzsche's artist to Heidegger's world
Babette Babich
Sozialwissenschaften zwischen Metaphysik und Beschreibung
Ernst Wolfgang Orth
Through the looking glass
Kathleen Wider
Time beyond power
Zygmunt Adamczewski
Merleau-Ponty's tacit cogito
Vol. 23/1
Linda L. Williams
Can genealogy be critical?
Vol. 23/4
Rudi Visker
Skepticism, enigma and integrity
Robert Hull
Text and technology
Steven Crowell(Rice University)
Mikhail Bakhtin's body politic
Hwa Yol Jung
The theme of health in Nietzsche's thought
Mark Letteri
Afferent-efferent connections and "neutrality-modifications' in perceptual and imaginative consciousness
"A world of hope and optimism despite present difficulties"
Vol. 23/3
Nicholas Davey
Eigentlichkeit, Gewissen und Schuld in Heideggers "Sein und Zeit"
István Fehér
Kierkegaard's Fear and trembling
Jerome I. Gellman
Analytical marxism and Marx's systematic dialectical theory
Tony Smith
Vol. 23/2
Ann Hartle
The genesis of Heidegger's phenomenological hermeneutics and the rediscovered "aristotle introduction" of 1922
Reading Nietzsche
James Risser
The ontological difference and the pre-metaphysical status of the being of beings in Plato
Michael C. Hudac
The ethos of humanity in Karl Jaspers' political philosophy
Kurt Salamun
Derrida's deconstruction of the ideal of legitimation
Andrew Cutrofello
From philosophy to politics
Erik Parens
Habermas' early lifeworld appropriation
Kevin Geiman
Nothingness and emptiness
Vol. 24/4
Steven Laycock
Ist die Naturphilosophie eine abgelegte Gestalt des modernen Geistes?
Vol. 24/2
Renate Wahsner
On the paradoxical inception and motivation of transcendental philosophy in Plato and Husserl
Vol. 24/1
Burt C. Hopkins(University of Lille)
Gadamer's concrete universal
Anthony Kerby
The existential meaning of the art of theatre in Kierkegaard's philosophy
Avi Sagi
Seeing our seeing and knowing our knowing
Aaron Ben-Ze'ev
A note on the jural relation
Ken Butler
The other comes to teach me
Robert Gibbs
A little daylight
Vol. 24/3
Leonard Lawlor
The one for the other
Adriaan Peperzak
The antinomy of perception
Lawrence Hass
La question ontologique et la Phénoménologie de la perception
Richard Hudson Henri Pallard
Intersubjectivity without subjectivism
Beth J. Singer
The de-con-struction of reason
Simon Glynn(Florida Atlantic University)
Dilthey's conception of objectivity in the human studies
Gail Weiss(Department of Philosophy, Gettysburg College)
The life of order and the order of life
David J. Levy
Reginald Lilly
A Kierkegaardian critique of Heidegger's concept of authenticity
Daniel Berthold-Bond
Kant's first analogy revisited
George E. Buessem
Vincent Colapietro
Prudence and providence
Allen S. Hance
Sartre's being-for-Heidegger; Heidegger's being-for-Sartre
Steve Martinot
Dilthey's narrative model of human development
Jos De Mul
The presence of the present as absence
The anomaly of world
To tell a good tale
Jeffrey S. Turner
Against the grain of modernity
Vol. 25/3-4
Lucius Outlaw
The genesis of Being and time
Vol. 25/1
The leap (der sprung) for being in Heidegger's Beiträge zur Philosophie (vom Ereignis)
George Kovacs
Hegelian elements in Gadamer's notions of application and play
Transcendental background to the anthropic reasoning in cosmology
Vol. 25/2
Yuri V. Balashov
Ethics and ontology
Thomas Busch
Difference without the flux
Isaac Nevo
Karl Ameriks Kenneth L. Anderson
Taylor and Ricoeur on the self
Rorty and analytic Heideggerian epistemology — and Heidegger
Rorty's hermeneutics and the problem of relativism
A. T. Nuyen
Levinas on technology and nature
The rigour of Heidegger's thought
Martin Weatherston
Time and space in technological society
Review essay
John Llewelyn
Heidegger im Gespräch mit Hegel
Knowledge, hermeneutics, and history
Transcendental empiricism
Bruce Baugh
Genesis and modern theories of evolution
Kurt Hübner
Forgetting remembered
Grave voices
Alison Brown
David Carr(Emory University)
José María Ferrater-Mora (1912–1991)
George L Kline
Phenomenological interpretations with respect to Aristotle
Michael Baur
On confronting species-specific skepticism as we near the end of the twentieth century
Sartre's ontology of evil and the poverty of the social sciences
Vol. 26/3
Haim Gordon Rivca Gordon
Truth, meaning, and functional understanding
Vol. 26/4
Daniel Barbiero
Merleau-Ponty, Gibson, and the materiality of meaning
John T. Sanders
Bacon's project
Lothar Schäfer
Empiricism, difference, and common life
Peter S. Fosl
Toward a pragmatic metaphysics
Michael S. Littleford
Merleau-Ponty and cartesian skepticism
Vol. 26/2
William O. Stephens
Hannah Arendt and the ideological structure of totalitarianism
Wayne Allen
On thinking
Vol. 26/1
The role of science inhuman-all-too-human
Peter Heckman
Europe, truth, and history
Constituting the political subject, using Foucault
Brian Seitz
The economy of exteriority in Derrida's speech and phenomena
John Protevi
Gerhard a. Rauche's philosophy of actuality
Tobias J. Louw
A musical retrieve of Heidegger, Nietzsche, and technology
Double vision idealism
Georg Römpp
José Ferrater Mora
Josep Terricabras
Wild being, the prepredicative and expression
Eleanor M. Godway
Studying zen as studying philosophy
From Marx's politics to Rorty's poetics
Gayle OrmistonRaphael Sassower
L'esprit objectif as a theory of language
Transcendence east and west
David Loy
God among the signifiers
David Crownfield
The idea of enablement
Bill Martin
Phenomenology in Russia
James Scanlan
Theory and form in Descartes'meditations
M. Glouberman
Husserl's conception of Hume's problem
Vol. 27/3
Saranindra Nath Tagore
On the existential interpretation of human sciences
Vol. 27/4
Dimitri Ginev(St. Kliment Ohridski University)
Minded body/embodied mind
George J. Seidel
The extent of Kierkegaard's skepticism
Thomas C. Anderson
Intentionality and the representative theory of perception
Vol. 27/1
Dan Zahavi(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
Embodiment and responsibility
John Russon(Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal)
Styling Nietzsche
The improvisational problem
Vol. 27/2
Robert P. Crease
Judith A. Jones
Postmodernism and contemporary Italian philosophy
An intentionality without subject or object?
Rudolf Bernet(Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven)
Who owns the lie?
Daniel Price
The concept of death in Being and time
William D Blattner(Department of Theology, Gettysburg College)
Re-thinking ethical naturalism
Lee F. Kerckhove
Space perception and the fourth dimension
Stephen H. Kellert
Kierkegaard as socio-political thinker and activist
Martin J. Matuštík
Silence, being, and the between
Robert Wood
Renewing anthropological reflection
Dennis M. Weiss
Phenomenological reflections on the self and the other — as real, as fictional
Archaeology and politicism
Julia Simpson
The relativization of common sense
Maria Dmitrova
On writing it
Synopsis of a theory of modernity
Javier A. Ibañez-Noé
The philosophical framework of Sartre's theory of the theater
The philosophical curriculum and literature culture
Jon Stewart
Nietzsche and Epicurus
Joseph P. Vincenzo
The being of the maybe
Vol. 28/3
John C McCarthy
Reinventing the transcendental ego
Vol. 28/1
La temporalité de la perception
Vol. 28/4
Pavlos Kontos
Heidegger's phenomenological decade
Thetao of transversality as a global approach to truth
Zarathustra's dance
Vol. 28/2
Alin Cristian
Neurobiology and the homunculus thesis
Paul Tibbetts
Decontextualization, standardization, and deweyan science
From relations to practice in the empiricism of Gilles Deleuze
Patrick Hayden
Loneliness, its nature and forms
John McGraw
Must a hermeneutical psychoanalysis exclude science?
Paul O'Grady Paul Rigby John van den Hengel
Sartre and hermeneutics
From maieutics to metanoia
Norman Wirzba
Phenomenological concepts of normality and abnormality
Anthony Steinbock(Southern Illinois University)
L'équivoque de l'histoire
Gérard Raulet
Otherness and individuation in Heidegger
François Raffoul
Searle on rediscovering the mind
Robert G. Burton
No longer, not yet
Beyond decisionism and anarchy
Schopenhauer and the problem of metaphysics
Günter Zöller
The ethos of everydayness
Krzysztof Ziarek
Why students of Heidegger will have to read Emil Lask
Sartre on embodied minds, authenticity and childhood
Vol. 29/1
Adrian Mirvish
Beside us, in memory
Vol. 29/3
Dorothea Olkowski
Vol. 29/2
Being and its others
Christoph Cox
Re-mapping the territory
Raymond D. Boisvert
Alfredo FerrarinVer Ecke
Relating Kierkegaard to dialogical philosophy
Roy Martinez
In memoriam
Vol. 29/4
Stuart Dalton
Phenomenon and sensation
James Dodd(New School for Social Research)
The other, society, people of God
Thinking life as relation
Stephen Pluhacek Heidi Bostic
Foucault's alimentary philosophy
David Boothroyd
How best to keep a secret?
Jeffrey Bloechl(Boston College)
Kierkegaard on the madness of reason
Julie E. Maybee
Violence, oppression, and regulative ideas
Play, agreement and consensus
Tanya DiTommaso
November 4, 1995
André Colombat
Gilles Deleuze and the politics of time
Todd May(Department of English, Clemson University)
Deleuze's style
Ronald Bogue
The Spinoza-intoxicated man
Robert Piercey
Concept and event
Paul Patton
The time of being and the metaphysics of presence
Carol J. White
Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995)
Constantin Boundas
Merleau-Ponty and feminine embodied existence
Elisabeth Preston
Transgressive theorizing
Nature and philosophy
Charles L. Griswold
Nomadism with a difference
Rosi Braidotti
Symmetry in asymmetry
Spinoza's God
Vol. 3/3
Harvey B. Natanson
Sprache als Thema und Medium der transzendentalen Reflexion,
Vol. 3/4
The artist's adequation
Jerome Ashmore
The power of reason
Vol. 3/1
Hans-Georg Gadamer
The commemorative past
Thomas Bridges
On Sartre's language
Philosophy of religion and the redefinition of philosophy
Vol. 3/2
Kenneth L. Schmitz
La evolucion de la filosofia de Wittgenstein
Alfredo Deano
William A. Gerhard Brijen K. Gupta
The knower and the known
Guttorm Fløistad
Maurice Merleau-Ponty bibliography
Richard L Lanigan(International Communicology Institute, Washington, DC, USA)
War der späte Wittgenstein ein Essentialist?
Commitment and belief
Edward F. Mooney
Meaning and analysis in Hume
William Gustason
Joseph Beatty
Being, ground and play in Heidegger
Zum Problem des "Emanzipatorischen Interesses' und seiner gesellschaftlichen Wahrnehmung
Truth in art
Per Proudhon
Arrigo Lampugnani-Nigri
Hegel und die Anfänge der Nihilismus-diskussion
Language as a standard
On the interpretation of the meditations
Hiram Caton
"This project is mad"
Vol. 30/2
Gary Steiner
The bacchanalian revel
Andrew Haas
Levinas, substitution and transcendental subjectivity
Vol. 30/1
Philip J. Maloney
L. Brisson, F. Meyerstein, Inventing the universe
Vol. 30/4
Pierre Kerszberg
The progression and regression of slave morality in Nietzsche's genealogy
David Lindstedt
An interview with John Sallis
Outi Pasanen John Sallis
Hermeneutics and the natural sciences
Vol. 30/3
Why a hermeneutical philosophy of the natural sciences?
B. Wachterhauser, Hermeneutics and truth
Paul Fairfield
R. Santoni, Bad faith, good faith
Phyllis Morris
Margolis and the historical turn
Heidegger's formal indication
Ryan Streeter
Thingly hermeneutics/technoconstructions
Dual and non-dual ontology in Sartre and mahāyāna buddhism
Derek K. Heyman
Given time and the gift of life
Critique of the unconscious
George G. Constandache
Margolis on interpretation
The origins and crisis of continental philosophy
Platonism and metaphor in the texts of mathematics
Clevis Headley
Remarks on history and interpretation
W. Maker, Philosophy without foundations
Margolis and the philosophy of history
On the hermeneutical nature of modern natural science
Joseph Kockelmans
"Im anfang liegt alles beschlossen"
Andreas Grossmann
M. Zarander, La dette impensée
Wayne Froman(Department of Cultural Studies, George Washington University)
P. Berkowitz, Nietzsche
Christa Acampora
Understanding sustainability
Bart Gremmen Josette Jacobs
J. Marsh, Critique, action, and Liberation
Steven Hendley
A hermeneutics of the natural sciences?
Husserl's debate with Heidegger in the margins of Kant and the problem of metaphysics
Richard Palmer
Achievements of the hermeneutic-phenomenological approach to natural science a comparison with constructivist sociology
Martin Eger
The new translation of Sein und zeit
"Let a hundred translations bloom!"
Thomas Sheehan
Highway bridges and feasts
Hubert L. Dreyus Charles Spinosa
Nietzsche and metaphysical language
Vol. 4/4
Michel Haar
Revolucion o anarquia
Vol. 4/1
Rafael Braun
Autocritica filosofica e critica storica in J.-P. Sartre
Giovanni Cera
Gestalt Theory and Merleau-Ponty's concept of intentionality
Martin C Dillon
Hegel, Pannenberg, and hermeneutics
Vol. 4/3
Merold Westphal
Self-consciousness without an ego
Vol. 4/2
Filosofia e historia de la filosofia en Heidegger
Mario A Presas
On the role of metaphysics in Descartes' thought
Marcelo Dascal
The language of self-transformation in Plato and Augustine
Ontologie du signifier
Bertrand Rioux Cyril Welch
The phenomenon of ambiguity
C. W. Dwiggins
Psyche and polity in Hegel
Murray Greene
Homo symbolicus
Edward H. Henderson
Szientismus versus Dialektik
Paul Lorenzen
The pale criminal
Jon Pashman
Self-consciousness, a critical introduction to a theory
Dieter Henrich
The scientific and the humanistic images of man-in-the-world
E. M. Adams
Pythagoras and the arts
Teddy Brunius
Technology and reality
Albert Borgmann
The emergence of an absolute consciousness in Husserl's early writings on time-consciousness
Vol. 5/3
Reason and emancipation
Vol. 5/1
Fred Dallmayr
The hermeneutic metascience of psychoanalysis
Lauri Rauhala
The absurdity of rebellion
Jerry L. Curtis
Sartre's conception of action and his utilization ofwesensschau
Vol. 5/2
C. J. Kilian
Language, truth and unobliging logic
John King-Farlow J. M. Bucklin
Bibliography on Jean-Paul Sartre
Saying and being with Heidegger and Parmenides
Logical necessity, self-evidence and "god-exists"
Robert Oakes
Heidegger on the world
Vol. 5/4
Wesley Morris(Department of Philosophy, Santa Clara University)
Technocracy and scientism?
Sport, achievement, and the new left criticism
Philosophie als Aufklärung
Hermann Lübbe
The contours of responsibility
Harold Moore Robert Neville William Sullivan
Dewey and the philosophy of science
Harold Moore
The status of metaphysics in the discourse on method
Self, body and self-deception
Meinong on existence
Vol. 6/1
George Englebretsen
The structure of the life-world according to Husserl
Vol. 6/2
Gerd Brand
Art and space
Jeffrey Price
Interpretation and its sediments
Is the nonexistence of perfection provable?
Vol. 6/4
Kenneth W. Walters
Richard J. Sclafani
The genesis of a phenomenological theory of the experience of personal identity
Vol. 6/3
Claude Levi-Strauss
Metaphysics and absolute presuppositions
Jay Newman
Dialectic as philosophical care
Merleau-Ponty and the truth of history
Clyde Pax
Law, regularity, and sameness
Toward a phenomenology of nostalgia
James G Hart(Department of Germanic Studies, James Madison University)
Categories and transcendental arguments
M. S. Gram
Nietzsche as a moral philosopher
The duality of the present
J. L. Martin
Some metaphysical problems of Cassirer's symbolic forms
Leon Rosenstein
The fundamental constituents of consciousness
Stuart Spicker
Raymond J. Devettere
The explication of "the world" in constructionalism and phenomenology
Philip Bossert
Plato's theory of recollection reconsidered an interpretation of meno 80a–86c
Theodor Ebert
The philosophical background of hidden variables in quantum mechanics
A Gespräch with Heidegger on technology
William Lovitt
In memoriam professor Aron Gurwitsch
Systematic aspects of the history of philosophy
God of the philosophers in modern metaphysics
Walter Schulz
The principle of ground
Vol. 7/3
Views and perspectives
Vol. 7/2
Common sense and the foundations of knowledge
Choice and universality in Sartre's ethics
Vol. 7/1
M. Merleau-Ponty on eros and logos
David Farrell Krell
Nietzsche and the "use" of history
Phänomenologische Beschreibung, Essentielles Apriori, Transzendentale Subjektivität und Was Dann?
Vol. 7/4
Alwin Diemer
Fascination, fear, and pornography
In memory of Imre Lakatos on the question of relativism and progress in science
Heidegger's Nietzsche interpretation
Laurence Lampert
The concept of authenticity in Sartre
A new look at Copernicus and Kant
Martin G. Kalin
On education
James Lund
G. H. Mead, Self, language, and the world
Mary Tillman Barbara Anderson Laurence Lampert
Philosophy in the wake of Hölderlin
Truth and being
David A. White
Hermeneutische Philosophie und Theologie
Behaviorism and perception
Phénomenologie et herméneutique
Philosophy as play
Vol. 8/3
Charles Byrum
Beyond the everyday life-world
Vol. 8/4
On work and play
Lawrence M. Hinman
Heidegger on Schelling's concept of freedom
Vol. 8/2
Robert R. Ehman
John Wild's interpretation of William James's theory of the free act
Vol. 8/1
François H. Lapointe Claire C. Lapointe
Paradigmatic aesthetic objects
Antonio S. Cua James Fletcher
Husserl on the ways to the performance of the reduction
Plato's dream hypothesis
James Perry
The faces of God
The crisis of the human sciences
Calvin Schrag
Heidegger on nihilism and technique
Michael Zimmerman
On theories in historical sciences
Pina C. Moneta
Does ethical relativism destroy morality?
Metaphysics and topology of being in Heidegger
Phenomenology comes of age in america
What do i fear in facing my death?
Fichte's idealism and Marx's materialism
Le sens de l'abstraction dans la philosophie du droit de Hegel
Jean-Philippe Guinle
Hegel's phenomenological criticism
Robert Pippin
The priority of the world to my world
Hubert L Dreyfus
Skeleton key to Spinoza
Howard Ferstler
Kant's theory of ego as existence awareness
John A. Reuscher
The possibility of ana priori non-formal ethics
Vol. 9/2
Peter H Spader
Fichte and the problem of system
Vol. 9/1
Feyerabend on ideology, human happiness, and the good life
Vol. 9/4
Toward a new humanism
Vol. 9/3
Hwa Yol JungPetee Jung
The role of hedonism in Marcuse's early thought
Mark Stohs
John Wisdom on philosophy and metaphysics
Douglas J. Uyl
Toward a social philosophy of achievement and athletics
A reinterpretation of democritean atomism
Henry J. Folse
Husserl's static and genetic phenomenology
Mary Jeanne Larrabee
An analysis of the futural modality of sport
William J. Morgan
K. Ulmer, Philosophie der modernen Lebenswelt
Jan Patočka
Sein und Fragen
Carl Erik Kühl
Die Geisteswissenschaften und die Praxis
Winfried Franzen
Zarathustra and the magician or, Nietzsche contra Nietzsche
Leonard Robbins
Heidegger and method
Qu'est-ce que l'homme ?
Alain Renaut
On the being and conception of φyσiσ in Aristotle's Physics b, 1