Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Understanding human nature
Leendert P Mos Casey P. Boodt
Family resemblance as a model for the stage concept
Gary Fireman
Hermeneutics of lived experience
Casey P. BoodtLeendert P Mos
Is there anything beyond the ideological critique of individualism?
Henderikus J. Stam
Personality development in highly educated women in the years eighteen to forty-five
Emily J. Serkin
Psychology and the problem of verisimilitude
Morris L. Shames
Questioning the researcher's existence
Ben Bradley
Realities and their relationships
Kenneth J. Gergen
How mental and physiological mechanisms gear into one another
Geert E. M. PanhuysenJ J Adriaan Tuiten
"Doing theory" in psychology
Mary Gergen
Positivism versus people
William J Baker
Discovery, intentionality and the constructionist project in psychology
Association, free association and the logic of conversation
Jaap van Heerden
The limits of psychological critique
On the function of folk psychology in the theory and history of psychology
Helmut Hildebrandt
Feminist critiques of "sex/gender" as a psychological variable
Towards a theory of psychopathy and social distress
Robert W Rieber
A functional theory of illness
Michael E. Hyland
The structure of self in schizophrenia
Michael A. GaraRuth B. Goldston
Sybe J. S. Terwee
A general model for interindividual comparison
Gunnar Borg
The scientist who mistook his object for a method, or
Arno L. Goudsmit
From feminist research to new categories in psychology
Erika Apfelbaum
The social context of research practice and the history of psychology
Kurt Danziger
Critiquing the lifeworld
S. Nik Rattan
Consistency and chaos in personality
Carl MiddletonGary FiremanRoseanne DiBello
Psychology and philosophy of science
What is psychologic?
Jan Smedslund
Social discourse and moral science
Daniel S Robinson
Thinking of emotions
A. H. Fischer
Hermeneutics and moral development
Michiel Korthals
Understanding how we understand pictures
René van Hezewijk
The significance of Bühler's "axiomatic" and Vygotsky's "general psychology" for theoretical psychology and its persistent monism-pluralism-debate
Wolfgang Maiers
Psychoanalysis as a critical theory of gender
Jane M. Selby
The early reception of psychoanalysis
The Mumford effect in psychology
Harwood Fisher
A phenomenological vision for psychology
Amedeo Peter Giorgi
Thinking in society
Verena Aebischer
Identity and intimacy
Suzanne R. Kirschner
Psychological theorizing in a subject-scientific perspective
The ideology of beauty
Efrat Tseëlon
The case of Johannes Linschoten's apostasy
The pleasures of the gulf war
John M. Broughton
Adri Smaling
The mutual construction of social and self
Jeroen Jansz
How can intellectual history help us to understand psychological theories?
Eckart Scheerer
Mental representation and meaning
William E. Smythe
Emotions and gender
Agneta H. Fischer
Rhetorical analysis and the question of relativism
Antecedents of operationism
Tim B. Rogers
Theory of action in psychology
Guy Widdershoven
Social motives under negotiation
Recontextualization as a contribution of history to theoretical psychology
Pieter van Strien
Positivism and the prospects for cognitive science
From emancipating to domesticating the workers
Mel van Elteren
The hermeneutical conception of psychoanalysis
Positivism and cognitive psychology
Siu L. Chow
The myth of mind and the mistake of psychology
John Shotter
Cognitive representations and intentionality and the realism-relativism controversy
Sacha Bem
Social constructionist psychoanalysis and the real
Ian Parker
Perspectives on interpretation for cognitive science
E. G. Boring, C. Murchison, and Clark university
Dale Stout
The use of hermeneutics in psychology
Positivist influences in "environment-behavior" studies
Marvin J. McDonald
Demystifying Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development
René van der Veer
The computational theory of mind and constraints on the notions of symbol and mental representation
René J. Jorna
Do mental events exist?
Fred Vollmer
Dying, denying, and willing the obligatory
Edwin S. Shneidman
In praise of "Problemgeschichte"
Hans van Rappard
Mervin B. Freedman
A rhetorical approach to dream theories and dreams
The functional level of analysis in psychology
Huib De Jong
The reception of Vygotsky's ideas in the nineteen thirties
The origins and significance of Clark L. Hull's theory of value
John A. Mills
Probability and meaning
Enno Schwanenberg
Essential unpredictability
Paul Van Geert
American anti-semitism now
Beyond objectivism and relativism in dream interpretation
Beyond discursive relativism
Erica Burman
Psychology and humanism
Brewster Smith
Operationism, scientism, and the rhetoric of power
Two conceptions of stage structure and the problem of novelty in development
Jan Boom
Tests versus contests
Warren Thorngate Barbara Carroll
The anatomy of a paradigm shift
Joseph Axelrod
For a materialist psychology
Charles W. Tolman
What should developmental psychology be about?
Bernie Kaplan
Problems and prospects for cognitive constructionism in postpositivist psychology
Anand C Paranjpe
Interactionist theory and disciplinary interactions
Ian Lubek
Unifying psychology
Adriaan D. de Groot
Existential themes in Piaget's genetic epistemology
Gary Kose
Hazards of Goliath in the nuclear age
Christian Bay
Bridgman's "operational analysis" versus "operational definition" in psychology
Sigmund Koch
The fear of relativism in post-positivist psychology
Social psychology textbooks
Naturalism and intentionality
H. Looren de Jong
What distinguishes lay persons' psychological explanations from those of psychologists?
Changed sexual behavior and new definitions of gender roles on the college campus
Joseph Katz
Neopositivism and perception theory
The structuralist program as a methodology for theoretical psychology
Hans Westmeyer
Hermeneutics of explanation
A cognitive revolution in infancy research?
Ed Elbers
Piaget, Vygotsky, and the development of consciousness
Gary FiremanGary Kose
A hermeneutical analysis of the social-psychological
The demise of logical positivism
The lonely presidency
David Riesman
Watson's positivism
Psychology of science as a contribution to metascience
P. J. van Strien
Mediating between mentalism and objectivism