Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Vol. 19
Tommaso Bertolotti
On biological and verbal camouflage
Proto-models, mental models and scientific models
Models in action
Introducing cognitive niches
Curating the richness of cognitive niches
Gossip as multi-level abduction
Niche construction through gossip and mobbing
The crises of techo-cognitive niches
Natural religion, models, and the invention of supernatural beings
Digitalizing the religious niche (and vice versa)
Irrationality as an epistemic immunization
The cognitive impact of religious "rationality"
Patterns of rationality
Dicisigns and habits
Vol. 31
Frederik Stjernfelt
Habits, habit change, and the habit of habit change according to Peirce
Winfried Nöth
Thirdness as the observer observed
Göran Sonesson
The "irrealevance" of habit formation
John Coletta
Of habit and abduction
Lorenzo Magnani
Is nature habit-forming?
John Pickering
Habits, awareness, and autonomy
Vincent Colapietro
Habit in semiosis
Pedro Atã João Queiroz (Federal University of Juiz de Fora)
Is ethical normativity similar to logical normativity?
Juuso-Ville Gustafsson Ahti-Veikko J. Pietarinen
Belief as habit
Atocha Aliseda
In what sense exactly is Peirce's habit-concept revolutionary?
Erkki Kilpinen
Culture as habit, habit as culture
Sara Cannizzaro Myrdene Anderson
The habit-taking journey of the self
Fernando Andacht
Habit as a law of mind
Elize Bisanz Scott Cunningham
Beyond explication
Mats Bergman
The originality and relevance of Peirce's concept of habit
Lucia Santaella
Social minds and the fixation of belief
Nathan Houser
Habits of reasoning
Ahti-Veikko J. Pietarinen Francesco Bellucci
Preamble—peircean habit explored
Myrdene Anderson
Habit-taking, final causation, and the big bang theory
Stanley N. Salthe
On habit
Dinda L. Gorlée
Hands shaping communication
Vol. 38
Laura Sparaci Virginia Volterra
Children's object manipulation
Valentina FocaroliJana M. Iverson
Primates' propensity to explore objects
Fabrizio TaffoniGloria SabbatiniDomenico FormicaValentina Truppa
The therapeutic hand
Xavier EscribanoAlbert Pérez-Bellmunt
Ready-to-hand in Heidegger
José Manuel Chillón
Essential to art
Sixto Castro
The cognitive properties of the motor system and mirror neurons
Leonardo Fogassi
On the role of the hand in the expression of music
Marc Leman Luc NijsNicola Di Stefano
First person access to mental states
Vol. 40
Sara Dellantonio Luigi Pastore
The misleading aspects of the mind/computer analogy
Semantic competence from the inside
In the beginning there were categories
Internal states
The "proprioceptive" component of abstract concepts
Some constraints on the physical realizability of a mathematical construction
Vol. 7
Francisco Hernández-QuirozPablo Padilla
From the closed classical algorithmic universe to an open world of algorithmic constellations
Mark BurginGordana Dodig-Crnkovic
Representation, analytic pragmatism and AI
Raffaela Giovagnoli(Lateran Pontifical University)
Computing nature – a network of networks of concurrent information processes
Gordana Dodig-CrnkovicRaffaela Giovagnoli(Lateran Pontifical University)
Alan Turing's legacy
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
A framework for computing like nature
Ron CottamWilly RansonRoger Vounckx
Toward Turing's a-type unorganised machines in an unconventional substrate
Larry Bull Ben de Lacy Costello
What makes a computation unconventional?
S. Barry Cooper
The coordination of probabilistic inference in neural systems
William A. Phillips
A behavioural foundation for natural computing and a programmability test
Hector Zenil
Neurobiological computation and synthetic intelligence
Craig A. Lindley
Intelligence and reference
Gianfranco Basti
Salient features and snapshots in time
Veronica E. Arriola-RiosZoe P. DemeryJeremy WyattAaron Sloman
Dualism of selective and structural manifestations of information in modelling of information dynamics
Marcin Jan Schroeder
Learning to hypercompute?
Keith Douglas
Does the principle of computational equivalence overcome the objections against computationalism?
Alberto Hernández-EspinosaFrancisco Hernández-Quiroz
Oracle hypermachines faced with the verification problem
Florent Franchette
How scientific models differ from works of fiction
Vol. 8
Demetris Portides
A logical model of Peirce's abduction as suggested by various theories concerning unknown entities
Antonino Drago
Modelling systems in technology as instrumental systems
Maarten Franssen
Some ways of thinking
Barbara Tversky
Simulation models of complex social systems a constructivist and expressivist interpretation of system dynamics
Margarita VázquezManuel Liz
Fear-driven inference
Paul Thagard
Understanding abduction
Architectural design thinking as a form of model-based reasoning
Pieter PauwelsRens Bod
Models and ideology in design
Cameron Shelley
Living in the model
Chris Sinha
How affordance changes
Cao DongmingLuo LinglingWang Jian
Models and points of view
Manuel Liz
Icon and abduction
Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom
Michel Ghins
The arabic script, from visual analogy to model-based reasoning
Christian Tamas
Information integration in the brain
Alfredo Pereira Fabio Augusto Furlan
Mechanism and phenomenon of consciousness
Paolo Pecere
How to learn abduction from animals?
Woosuk Park
Abduction, competing models and the virtues of hypotheses
H. G. Callaway
Freedom and moral judgment a cognitive model of permissibility
Against fictionalism
John Woods
Galileo's discovery of the moons orbiting jupiter based on abductive inference strategies
Jun-Young OhYoo Shin Kim
Models of moral cognition
Jeffrey White
Metaphor and model-based reasoning in Maxwell's mathematical physics
Ryan D. Tweney
Identifying adequate models in physico-mathematics
Albrecht Heeffer
Generation of hypotheses by ampliation of data
Emiliano Ippoliti
Pauli's idea of the neutrino
Tjerk Gauderis
From informal thought experiments to agent-based models a progressive account of modeling in the social sciences
Ruggero Rangoni
Complex systems of mindful entities
Luís Moniz PereiraThe Anh HanFrancisco C. Santos
Generative and demonstrative experiments
Abduction and model based reasoning in Plato's meno
Priyedarshi Jetli
Autonomous mobile robots as technical artifacts
Francesco AmigoniViola Schiaffonati