Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Philosophical framework for doing African philosophy
Vol. 135
Grivas Muchineripi Kayange
Pragmatic semantics and chichewa proverbs
Meaning of taboos using counterfactual logic
Doing African philosophy with metaphors
Riddles, meaning and rationality/logic
The Chewa logical concept of truth
The Chewa concept of beauty and meaning
Conceptual analysis of ubuntu/umunthu and meaning
Deducing individualism in African society through the study of language
Why is the world soul composed of being, sameness and difference?
Vol. 139
Luca Pitteloud
Can one speak of teleology in Plato?
Luc Brisson
Pathos in the Theaetetus
Evan Keeling
Imagination for philosophical exercise in Plato's republic
Noburu Notomi
Dionysian Plato in the symposium
Fernando Santoro
Separation of body and soul in Plato's Phaedo
Gabriele Cornelli
Plato and the "internal dialogue"
Alexandru-Ovidiu Gacea
The analogy between vice and disease from the republic to the Timaeus
Olivier Renaut
Juliano Paccos Caram
Freedom and indeterminism
Vol. 47
Daniel Shaw
David Charles
The revival of "fido"-fido
Michael Devitt
Remembering "remembering"
Max Deutscher
Locke's ideas, abstraction, and substance
Ian Hinckfuss
Low claim assertions
Ullin T. Place
On being ontologically unserious
Kai Nielsen
Tense and existence
James Cargile
Propositions and philosophical ideas
J. M. Hinton
Objectivity and ideology in the physical and social sciences
Brian Medlin
A puzzle about ontological commitment
Frank Jackson
Motion and change of distance
Graham Nerlich
Approaches to natural language
Vol. 49
Rod Bertolet
Alternate approaches
Prolegomenon to a theory of speaker reference
Speaker reference
Predication, and what is said
Concerning fiction and fictions
Further implications
Understanding vision
Vol. 58
Charles Landesman
The subjective turn and the problem of transparency
Cognitive theories of sensation and perception
A representative theory of sensation
Color subjectively considered
Color objectively considered
Objections to color skepticism
Knowledge and perception
Concept-reference and kinds
Vol. 65
A. C. Grayling
The communication of first person thoughts
François Récanati
Understanding names
David Owens
Putnam's doctrine of natural kind words and Frege's doctrines of sense, reference and extension
David Wiggins
The Frege puzzle one more time
Martin Hahn
The neo-Fregean argument
John Biro
Transparency, sense and self-knowledge
Tom Stoneham
Three puzzles in Frege's theory of truth
Thomas Baldwin(Department of Sociology, University of York)
Why is Frege's puzzle still puzzling ?
Eros Corazza Jérôme Dokic
Frege and Chomsky
Barry Smith
The next best thing to sense in Begriffsschrift
Peter Simons
The sense and reference of evaluative terms
Christine Tappolet
Truth and sense
Gabriel Segal
Meaning and the third realm
Petr Kotatko
Basic content and experience
Vol. 70
Joseph Mendola
Phenomenal elements
Causal elements
Thought skepticism
Words and meaning
Experience and quasi-experience
Thought beyond experience
Phenomenal objects
Mere phenomenal experience
Causal experience
Relativity and causal experience
Classical experience and quantum mechanics
From content to representational content
From representational content to basic content
Response to the comments on time, tense, and causation by storrs McCall, Nathan Oaklander, and Quentin Smith
Vol. 87
Michael Tooley
Real time II
D. H. Mellor
Response to Robin Le Poidevin's paper, is precedence a secondary quality?
Mctaggart, change and real tense
Mark Hinchliff
Comments on D. H. Mellor's Real time II
L. A. Paul
Parmenides' complete rejection of time
Ronald C. Hoy
The theoretical character of Husserl's account of time consciousness (comments on professor Rubenstein's paper)
Reichenbach on indeterminism and becoming
Iain Martel
Experiencing the future
Eric M. Rubenstein
Presentness, dates and eternity
Brian Leftow
Time, consciousness and the knowledge argument
John Perry
Parts, wholes and eternity
Two problems with knowing the future
David Hunt
On the alleged metaphysical superiority of timelessness
William Lane Craig
Time, space, and the nature of physical objects
Ned Markosian
Actuality and actuality as of a time
Quentin Smith
Is precedence a secondary quality?
Robin Le Poidevin
The incompatibility of STR and the tensed theory of time
Reply to Smith and Tooley
Time, space and physical objects a reply to Ned Markosian
Psychologism revisited in logic, metaphysics, and epistemology
Vol. 91
Dale Jacquette
The space of sings
Vincent Colapietro
Between Leibniz and Mill
Carl J Posy
The concept of "psychologism" in Frege and Husserl
J. N. Mohanty
Why there is nothing rather than something
Paul A. Roth
Psychologism in logic
Rolf George
Late froms of psychologism and antipsychologism
Joseph Margolis
Psychologism and non-classical approaches in traditional logic
Werner Stelzner
Quinean dreams or, prospects for a scientific epistemology
Michael Bradie
Propositions and the objects of thought
Michael Jubien
The concepts of truth and knowledge in psychologism
John H. Dreher
Cognitive illusions and the welcome psychologism of logicist artificial intelligence
Selmer Bringsjord Yingrui Yang
Vol. 97
Ariel Meirav
Concrete comprising entities
Types of comprising entities
Theory and pre-theory of wholes
Classical and neoclassical mereology
Traditional higher-grade wholes as sums
Criticism of the notion of a neoclassical sum
Sums, collections and all the parts
A theory of unities
Further elaborations and applications