Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center
Historical and systematic remarks on the relation between description and hermeneutics in phenomenology
Vol. 1
Ernst Wolfgang Orth
Phenomenology: description or interpretation
John Sallis
Philosophical description and descriptive philosophy
J. N. Mohanty
The role of interpretation in phenomenological reflection
Graeme Nicholson
Hugh J. Silverman
Heidegger, Husserl and the categorial
Vol. 10
James Faulconer
Persons and their worlds
John Scanlon
Framing the past
Rudolf Bernet(Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven)
The self, the divided self and the other
Vol. 12
John M. Heaton
Deception, mystification, trauma
Michael Guy Thompson
The separated self
Louis Sass
Laing's existentialism
Daniel Burston
Narrative and personal identity
Vol. 14
Donald Polkinghorne
Culture as ethical narrative
Richard N Williams
For the moment, that's enough
Robert Romanyshyn
Truth in the context of relationship
Steen Halling
Through being to transcendence
Vol. 15
Adriaan Peperzak
To the point of a possible confusion
John D Caputo
A satrian in disguise
Rudi Visker
Giving time and death
Tina Chanter
Obligations beyond competency
Vol. 16
Michael Sipiora
Metabletics and the family
Bertha Mook
Jan Hendrik van den Berg
Metabletics and the art of psychotherapy
Bernd Jager
A phenomenology of visible invisibility
Vol. 17
Lewis Gordon
The beginnings of post-modernism
Leonard Lawlor
Taking a glance at the environing world
Edward Casey
Contingeny of temporality and eternal being
Vol. 18
James G Hart(Department of Germanic Studies, James Madison University)
The study of the soul between psychology and phenomenology in Edith Stein
Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)
Developmental science and the lifeworld of the child
Vol. 19
Ann Johnson
Naming childhood
Max Van Manen(University of Alberta)
Child research and biographical work
Wilfried Lippitz
The child in the world of things
Eva-Maria Simms
Language and game in psychoanalysis
Vol. 2
Meaning in psychoanalysis
William Richardson
The revelatory body
Vol. 20
Luke Timonthy Johnson
Notes toward a syntax for hoping
Vol. 21
Clyde Pax
Hoping against hope
Anthony Steinbock(Southern Illinois University)
David L Smith
Hope at the boundary of reason
Patrick Bourgeois
The natural prayer of the soul
Jeffrey Bloechl(Boston College)
How is it with repetition and its offspring, transference?
Vol. 22
Erik Craig
Between human illusion and inhuman reality
Perikles Kastrinidis
Beyond self-deception
Emmy van Deurzen
Les Todres
Between the body and the breating earth
Vol. 23
David Abram
To praise again
Andy Fisher
Postphenomenology and the lifeworld
Don Ihde
Interconnections, relationships, and environmental wholes
David Seamon
Recognition and intersubjectivity
Vol. 24
Morny Joy
World-disclosure and Critique
Vol. 25
Cristina Lafont(Department of English, Oberlin College)
Preserving the eidetic moment
David Rasmussen
Truth matters
Lambert Zuidervaart
Do the arguments for saturated phenomena prove that they are possible of necessary
Vol. 27
Jay Lampert(Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal)
On the foundation of the distinction between theology and philosophy
Jean-Luc Marion
Jeffrey McCurry(Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center , Duquesne University)
Richard Kearney
The complex self
Vol. 28
Dan Zahavi(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
Phenomenology, neural simulation, and the enactive approach to intersubjectivity
Shaun Gallagher(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
Derrida's deconstruction of Heidegger's view on temporality
Vol. 3
Presence and absence of meaning
Temporality and the presence of language
John Brough(Department of Theology, Gettysburg College)
Discourse, historicality and primal temporality in "Being and time"
Bernard Dauenhauer
Saintliness and psychosis
Vol. 4
Dieter Wyss
The rise and fall of the medical model in psychiatry
Daseinsanalytic psychotherapy
Gion Condrau
From the disaster to the other
Vol. 5
Edith Wyschogrod
Archeology of religious knowledge
God, for example
Rodolphe Gasché
The nonabsent absence of the holy
Mark C. Taylor
Paternal metaphor in Lacan and phenomenology
Vol. 6
Ver Ecke
Latency and the unconscious in Merleau-Ponty
James Phillips
Edward L Murray
Wittgenstein's Investigations
The lived body in phenomenology and psychoanalysis
Joseph Lyons
Nihilism, facticity, and the economized Lethe
Vol. 7
Thomas Sheehan
On authenticity and inauthenticity and the problem of mimesis in Heidegger
Samuel IJsseling
On Heidegger's interpretation of The Nicomachean ethics
Jacques Taminiaux
Heidegger in and out of place
A misplace signifier
Vol. 8
François Peraldi
Transference and Lacan's subject-supposed-to-know
John P Muller
Richard Rojcewicz
Lacan's project of retrieving Freud's theory of the subject
Antoine Vergote
Desire and its vicissitudes
The search for a Heideggerean ethics
Vol. 9
Michael Zimmerman
Who is my neighbor? Who is the Other?
Robert Bernasconi
Responsibility and danger
Charles E Scott