Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
The reflexivity of incorporeal acts as source of freedom and subjectivity in Aquinas
Vol. 16
Therese Scarpelli Cory
Sources of the self in the Arabic tradition
Taneli Kukkonen
Beasts, human beings, or Gods?
Juhana Toivanen
Martin Luther's early theological anthropology
Ilmari Karimies
A bodily sense of self in Descartes and Malebranche
Colin Chamberlain
A view from nowhere?
Julia Borcherding
Reflection and rationality in Leibniz
Sebastian Bender
Hume on the self and his "overall philosophical scheme"
Udo Thiel
"Causa sui"
Calvin G. Normore
Subjective experience and self-knowledge
Sonja Schierbaum
Augustine on second-order desires and persons
Tomas Ekenberg
Jari Kaukua Tomas Ekenberg
The Augustinian cogito and materialist theories of mind
Tamer Nawar
Self, agent, soul
Jari Kaukua
Vol. 21
Mauro Antonelli
The Austrian path toward Gestalt psychology
Vittorio Benussi
The Graz period
The Padua period
Intention and presence
Vol. 4
Joël Biard
The living consciousness of the German idealists
Susanna Lindberg(University of Leiden)
The structure of self-consciousness
Mikko Yrjönsuuri
The Heidelberg school and the limits of reflection
Dan Zahavi(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
Augustine and Descartes on the function of attention in perceptual awareness
Deborah Brown
Human consciousness and its transcendental conditions
Kenneth R. Westphal
The status of consciousness in Spinoza's concept of mind
Jon Miller
Contemporary naturalism and the concept of consciousness
Neil Manson
On Plato's lack of consciousness
Amber Carpenter
The problem of consciousness in Aristotle's psychology
Juha Sihvola
Sense-perception and self-awareness
Jari Kaukua Taneli Kukkonen
Selfhood, consciousness, and embodiment
Sara Heinämaa(University of Jyväskylä)
Orders of consciousness and forms of reflexivity in Descartes
Vili Lähteenmäki
Ownness of conscious experience in ancient philosophy
Pauliina Remes
Physiognomy as science and art
Vol. 8
Martina Reuter
Philosophy of mind with and against Wittgenstein
Frederick Stoutland
Cartesian psychology – could there be one?
Kant on consciousness
Camilla Serck-Hanssen
Philosophy, psychology, phenomenology
Psychology and metaphysics from maine de Biran to Bergson
Pascal Engel
Philosophical psychology in 1500
Pekka Kärkkäinen Henrik Lagerlund
The problem of mind and other minds in William James's pragmatism
Sami Pihlström
The status of psychology as understood by sixteenth-century scholastics
Tuomo Aho
Toward the rebirth of aristotelian psychology
Edoardo Fugali
Imagination and reason in Spinoza
Theo Verbeek
Psychology in philosophy
Gary Hatfield
Natural law and the theory of moral obligation
Thomas Pink
Aspects of inductivism in Thomas Reid's science of the mind
Riku Juti
Phenomenological responses to Gestalt psychology
Berkeley and Hume on self and self-consciousness
Vol. 9
Talia Mae Bettcher
Mental transparency, direct sensation, and the unity of the cartesian mind
Andrew Pessin
Sean Allen-Hermanson
Sensation in a Malebranchean mind
Alison Simmons
Spinoza on teleology, value, and the unity of mind
Charles Jarrett
Spinoza's eternal self
Olli Koistinen
Can matter think?
Marleen Rozemond
Descartes, Spinoza, and Locke on extended thinking beings
Don Garrett
Making an object of yourself
Amy M. Schmitter