Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
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Historico-critical foreword
Vol. 1
Guy Van Kerckhoven
Vol. 10
Edmund Husserl
The origination of the concept of multiplicity through that of the collective combination
Critical developments
The psychological nature of the collective combination
Analysis of the concept of number in terms of its origin and content
The definition of number-equality through the concept of reciprocal one-to-one correlation
The relations "more" and "less"
Definitions of number in terms of equivalence
Discussions concerning unity and multiplicity
The sense of the statement of number
Operations on numbers and the authentic number concepts
Symbolic representations of multiplicities
The symbolic representations of numbers
The logical sources of arithmetic
Original version of the text through chapter iv
perceptual series, memorial modification, phantasy modification, presentation — re-presentation, actuality and inactuality as intersecting differences. two fundamentally different concepts of phantasy
Vol. 11
From Locke to the radical consequence of Berkeley's purely immanent philosophy
Vol. 14
Hume's positivism
The rationalism and metaphysics of the modern period
The idea of apodictic evidence and the problematic of the beginning
World-perception and world-belief
Supplementations and clarifications in connection with the "objection of insanity"
Opening up the field of transcendental experience transcendental, phenomenological and apodictic reduction
The transcendental temporal form of subjectivity's transcendental stream of life
The idea of philosophy and its historical origin
On the theory of the theoretical attitude of the phenomenologist
The grounding of logic and the limits of formal-apophantic analytics
The conscious activity of natural egoic life and the reduction to pure subjectivity
First reflections on cognizing subjectivity, motivated by sophistic skepticism
The accomplishment and problematic of a phenomenological-psychological reduction
The opening of the realm of transcendental experience following the second path
The historical beginnings of the science of subjectivity
The philosophical significance of the transcendental-phenomenological reduction
The fundamental limitation of Locke's sphere of vision and its reasons
Supplemental texts
Critical disclosure of the genuine and enduring problematic concealed in locke's investigations
Empiricism's theory of abstraction as an index of how it falls short of the idea of an eidetic science of pure consciousness
Speech at Husserl's emeritus celebration
Vol. 6
Martin Heidegger
Husserl and Heidegger
Thomas Sheehan
The history of the redaction of the Encyclopedia Britannica article
An introduction to the Amsterdam lectures
Richard Palmer
Lecture I
Vol. 8
Lecture II
Lecture III
Lecture IV
Lecture V
Translator's introduction
Lee Hardy
"Thinking" as the theme of logic
Vol. 9
The problem of definitiveness in experience
Primordial phenomena and forms of order within passive synthesis
The ideality of linguistic phenomena
The phenomenon of affection
Thinking as a sense constituting lived-experience
The accomplishment of affective awakening and reproductive association
Sense-constituting lived-experiences as egoic acts
The phenomenon of expectation
Foreground lived-experiences and background lived-experiences
Illusion in the realm of remembering
The interconnection between expressing and signifying as the unity of an egoic act
The true being of the system of the immanent past
Theme, interest, indication
The problem of a true being for the future of consciousness
The regression from theoretical logos to the pre-theoretical sense-giving life of consciousness
Transitional methodological considerations
Perception and perceptual sense
Introduction. circumscribing the investigation into the active ego
Self-giving in perception
Active objectivation
The mode of negation
The fundamental structures and fundamental forms of judgment
The mode of doubt
The syntactic and the object-theoretical directions of examination
The mode of possibility
The gradation of objectivation
Passive and active modalization
Supplementary texts
The structure of fulfillment
Passive and active intentions and the forms of their confirmation and verification