Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Fordham University Press
Objective knowledge in review
Suzi Adams(National School of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University)
Rethinking the world of the living being
Reimaging cosmology
Protention as more than inverse retention
Neal DeRoo(King's University)
Conclusion: the circle of creation
Expecting the world
Experience and the essential possibility of anticipation
Phenomenology, openness, and ethics as first philosophy
From eschatology to awaiting
Levinas's unique contribution to futurity in phenomenology
Genesis, beginnings, and futurity
From deferring to waiting (for the messiah)
The promise of the future
Toward an ontology of the social-historical
Proto-institutions and epistemological encounters
Anthropological aspects of subjectivity: the radical imagination
Hermeneutical horizons of meaning
The rediscovery of physis