Central and East European
Society for Phenomenology

Conference | Paper

From transcendental phenomenology to phenomenological sociology. Alfred Schütz and the social sciences

Antonio Di Chiro

Tuesday 13 September 2022

14:00 - 14:45

Palazzo del Capitanio-Aula Film

The aime of this work is to reconstruct Alfred Schütz’s theoretical path and his comparison with Husserl to highlight how the he contributed to extending the phenomenological method from the philosophical sciences to the social sciences, ending up paving the way for a phenomenological sociology. Schütz seeks to address and resolve most of the critical issues present in Husserl’s work and, through the discovery of the constitutive meaning of intersubjectivity, which Schütz no longer considers as a phenomenological question but as a fundamental category of human existence, the object par excellence of phenomenology becomes the social phenomenon. We will therefore try to show how Schulz’s path assumes critical value as it contributes to raising the expectations of social sciences which tends to go beyond the narrow boundaries traced by Husserl and to go in a direction diametrically opposite to the crisis of European sciences outlined from the father of phenomenology.