Central and East European
Society for Phenomenology

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Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe

Neukantianismus als Verflechtung von Wissenskulturen Mittel-und Osteuropas

edited byErik Martin(European University Viadrina)Michał Mrugalski(Humboldt University of Berlin)Patrick Flack(Fribourg University)


The present volume, which constitutes the proceedings of the eponymous conference held in May 2019 at the Polish Institute in Berlin, offers a series of detailed insights into the profoundly networked forms and practices of Neo-Kantian philosophy. Although far from exhaustive, the materials and perspectives gathered here establish beyond doubt that the scope and impact of Neo-Kantianism in the landscape of European culture and ideas can only ever be properly understood if one takes into account not just its main German “schools” (Marburg, Baden) but also its inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural dissemination in other contexts, not least in Poland and Russia. Conversely, this volume also underscores how the broad and diverse influence exerted by Neo-Kantian philosophy in its relatively long period of dominance constitutes a crucial element in the dynamics and evolution of European ideas and intellectual cultures, in particular the fundamental methodological break with the positivist traditions of the 19th century and the slow rise of “new” human sciences or Geisteswissenschaften (anthropology, cultural-historical psychology, linguistics, literary theory, sociology, cultural studies) around 1900.

Details | Table of Contents

Polnische Rezeption der Idee des Transzendentalismus

Marek J. Siemek und die Warschauer Schule für die Ideengeschichte

Andrzej Gniazdowski(Polish Academy of Sciences)


Pasternak zwischen Neukantianismus und Sophiologie

Zur Architektur des Bruchs mit der Philosophie

Christian Zehnder(Fribourg University)


The Neokantiana network

an introduction to the phenomenology and the aesthetics of connecting

Michał Mrugalski(Humboldt University of Berlin)


Publication details

Publisher: sdvig press

Place: Genève-Lausanne

Year: 2022

Pages: 240

Series: Neokantiana

Series volume: 1

DOI: 10.19079/9782940738045

ISBN (paperback): 9782940738045

Full citation:

Martin Erik, Mrugalski Michał, Flack Patrick (2022) Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe: Neukantianismus als Verflechtung von Wissenskulturen Mittel-und Osteuropas. Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press.