Central and East European
Society for Phenomenology

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Merleau-Ponty et la "défamiliarisation" des Formalistes russes

Patrick Flack(Fribourg University)

pp. 235-254


This article purports to briefly examine the conceptual and historical links that unite Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the literary theories elaborated by the Russian Formalists (Viktor Šklovskij, Jurij Tynjanov, Roman Jakobson, Boris Eichenbaum). To be more precise, we wish to explore a specific hypothesis, which postulates that Merleau- Ponty’s phenomenological philosophy can provide – indeed, is among the only ones to provide - a coherent and fruitful epistemological and ontological framework to Russian Formalism’s fundamental concept, i.e. “defamiliarisation” or “estrangement” (“ostranenie” in Russian). We wish to highlight that defamiliarisation has implications that extend outside the purely literary scope for which it was initially conceived, but that these are not wholly accounted for, or only gradually so, by the Formalists themselves; defamiliarisation as a concept must therefore progressively evolve, up to its “mature” formulation, provided indirectly by Merleau-Ponty.


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Publication details

Published in:

Barbaras Renaud, Russon John (2006) Science et philosophie - Science and philosophy - Scienza e filosofia. Chiasmi International 8.

Pages: 235-254

DOI: 10.5840/chiasmi2006837

Full citation:

Flack Patrick (2006) „Merleau-Ponty et la "défamiliarisation" des Formalistes russes“. Chiasmi International 8, 235–254.