Central and East EuropeanSociety for Phenomenology
Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Clinical judging and decision making
James A Marcum
Diagnosis and therapeutics
Diagnostic knowledge
Disease or illness and health or wellbeing
Emotionally detached concern or empathic care
Humanizing modern medicine
Vol. 99
Medical axiology and values
Medical causation and realism
Medical explanations
Medical stories
Medical thinking
Medical worldviews
Medicine's crises
On caring and uncaring
On prudent love and imprudent lovelessness
Origins of bioethics and normative ethics
Patient as body or person
Patient-physician relationships
Principlism and the future of bioethics
The virtuous physician
Vol. 114
The virtuous physician and medicine's crises
Therapeutic knowledge
Virtue theory, ethics, and epistemology
Virtues and vices