Central and East European
Society for Phenomenology

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Charles Hartshorne

United States of America

1897 (Kittanning, Pennsylvania) — 2000 (Austin, Texas)

The organism according to process philosophy


Charles Hartshorne

in: Organism, medicine, and metaphysics, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Twelve elements of my philosophy


Charles Hartshorne

Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5/1

Perception and the "concrete abstractness" of science


Charles Hartshorne

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34

Idealism and our experience of nature


Charles Hartshorne

in: Philosophy, religion, and the coming world civilization, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Is God's existence a state of affairs?


Charles Hartshorne

in: Faith and the philosophers, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

Open Access Link

Collected Papers of C. S. Peirce V


Charles Sanders Peirce

Cambridge, Harvard University Press

Husserl and the social structure of immediacy


Charles Hartshorne

in: Philosophical essays in memory of Edmund Husserl, Cambridge : Harvard University Press

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